Raccoon King Shop
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What do you want? I'm a very busy king, you know. Please hurry up.
The Raccoon King runs his very own shop in the Raccoon Forest section of the Mining Cave, which only becomes available to you after you complete the Raccoon King Plot. The currency in this shop are Raccoon King Points, which can be obtained by trading items in with the Raccoon King. The items in the shop are semi-permanent, however, and may change over time. Prices are fixed, and items are always in stock.
- A list of cheap items to be used to trade in for RKP can be located at Junk Items.
Dye Face Freckles
450 RKPDye Monitor Neck
450 RKPDye Sash
450 RKPDye Skink Tail
450 RKPDye Withers
450 RKPDye Sash
450 RKPDye Zorilla
450 RKPDye Zorilla Shade
450 RKDye Burmese
825 RKPDye Dun
825 RKPDye Ghost
825 RKPDye Grizzle
825 RKPDye Paint Spray
825 RKPDye Piebald
825 RKPDye Rune
825 RKPDye Spotted Tabby
825 RKPDye Spotted Tabby Lines
825 RKPDye Sundrip
825 RKPDye Sunshine
825 RKPDye Weasel
825 RKP
Jowls DNA
500 RKPFox Ears DNA
2,000 RKPAntlers DNA
2,000 RKPChest Fluff DNA
2,000 RKPRump Feathers DNA
2,000 RKPNeck Ruff DNA
2,000 RKPSilky Tail DNA
2,000 RKP
Dust Light Sunrise
5 RKPDust Light Sunset
5 RKPSun Foreground
10 RKPForeground Overlay Vignette
20 RKPForeground Overlay Sepia
15 RKPRetro Palm Tree Left
20 RKPRetro Palm Tree Right
20 RKPCrayon Companion George
30 RKP- VaporwaveCornersCyanForeground.png
Neon Frame Cyan
40 RKPAquarium Tank Foreground
60 RKP
Rainbow Splatter 1 Wallpaper
15 RKPRainbow Splatter 2 Wallpaper
15 RKPExquisite Lilac Wallpaper
25 RKPExquisite Pink Wallpaper
25 RKPEmpty Ocean Night Wallpaper
40 RKPPear Tree New Wallpaper
40 RKPStorm At Sea Wallpaper
40 RKPSunset Forest Wallpaper
40 RKPDark Starry Night Wallpaper
45 RKPForest Throne Wallpaper
50 RKPMurky Forest Wallpaper
50 RKPRaccoon Forest Wallpaper
50 RKPStained Glass Wallpaper
50 RKPWinter Sunrise Wallpaper
55 RKPAurora Beach Wallpaper
60 RKP- VaporwaveCityVintageWallpaper.png
Aquarium Saltwater Wallpaper
100 RKPColorful Forest Wallpaper
100 RKPOceanscape at Night Wallpaper
100 RKPOceanscape at Dawn Wallpaper
100 RKP- VaporwaveMountainsBlueWallpaper.png
Starstruck Purple
4 RKPStarstruck Red
4 RKPStarstruck Silver
4 RKPGlowing Contacts Albino
5 RKPGlowing Contacts Black
5 RKPGlowing Contacts Lime
5 RKPGlowing Contacts Pink
5 RKPGlowing Contacts Silver
5 RKPArcane Tome Red
10 RKPBottle of Charry Crush
10 RKP- BottleofZestUp.png
Bottle of ZestUp
10 RKP Deer Nose Orange
10 RKPDeer Nose Purple
10 RKPDeer Nose Red
10 RKPOrange Pearl Bracelet Back
10 RKPOrange Pearl Bracelet Front
10 RKPOrange Pearl Earrings
10 RKPOrange Pearl Necklace
10 RKPPepperoni Pizza
10 RKPSlushie Rainbow Blend
10 RKPButterfly Frost
15 RKPHigh Voltage Purple Tail
15 RKPHigh Voltage Purple Legs
15 RKPHigh Voltage Purple Head
15 RKPHigh Voltage Purple Body
15 RKPKarate Gi Belt Black
15 RKPMagic Circle Red
15 RKPOrange and Black Beak
15 RKPPink Beak
15 RKPRed Beak
15 RKPTongue Rainbow
15 RKPPhoenix Anklets Iridescent
20 RKPPhoenix Beak Iridescent
20 RKPPhoenix Chest Iridescent
20 RKPPhoenix Claws Iridescent
20 RKPPhoenix Feathers Iridescent
20 RKPPhoenix Mask Iridescent
20 RKPPhoenix Rump Iridescent
20 RKPPhoenix Tail Iridescent
20 RKPPhoenix Winglets Iridescent
20 RKPViking Helmet Horned
20 RKPBeaded Twine Jewelry Ivory
25 RKPBeaded Twine Jewelry Peach
25 RKPBeaded Twine Jewelry Orange
25 RKPDesert Elkeer
25 RKPGuitar Flames
25 RKPKarate Gi Pants Black
25 RKPLeather Jacket Black
25 RKPSun Fairy Bangles Red
25 RKPSun Fairy Staff Red
25 RKPSun Fairy Tiara Red
25 RKPSun Fairy Wings Red
25 RKPViking Shield Red
25 RKPCrayon Companion OWF
30 RKPCrayon Companion Ruffles
30 RKPFeathers Ear Falcon
30 RKPFeathers Leg Falcon
30 RKPFeathers Tail Falcon
30 RKP- SpaceSuitBrown.png
Space Suit Brown
30 RKP - SpaceSuitOrange.png
Space Suit Orange
30 RKP - SpaceSuitYellow.png
Space Suit Yellow
30 RKP Viking Sword
30 RKPWild Mane Black and Green
30 RKPWild Mane Black and Purple
30 RKPWild Mane Black and Red
30 RKPWizard Staff Power
30 RKPBottlenose Dolphin
35 RKPBottlenose Dolphin Grey
35 RKPForest Spirit Flower
35 RKPForest Spirit Leaf
35 RKPGarner the Dragonpony
35 RKPKarate Gi Top Black
35 RKPPig N Boots
35 RKP- CyberWarriorAlteringsGreen.png
- WinterCloakOrange.png
Winter Cloak Orange
80 RKP - CyberWarriorWingsGreen.png
Cyber Warrior Wings Green
100 RKP Golden Egyptian Collar Black
100 RKPGolden Egyptian Collar Blue
100 RKPGolden Egyptian Collar Brown
100 RKPGolden Egyptian Collar Green
100 RKPGolden Egyptian Collar Pink
100 RKPGolden Egyptian Collar Purple
100 RKPGolden Egyptian Collar Red
100 RKPGolden Egyptian Collar Sky
100 RKPGolden Egyptian Collar White
100 RKPGolden Egyptian Collar Yellow
100 RKPWarriors Battle Wounds
100 RKPRadiant Morphos
120 RKPLochness Red
125 RKP- Sinosauropteryx.png
130 RKP Warriors Battle Armor
250 RKPWarriors Battle Chest
250 RKPWarriors Battle Helmet
250 RKPWarriors Battle Leg Guard
250 RKPWarriors Battle Sword
250 RKP