Back Fade

From The Wajas Wiki
Revision as of 19:27, 3 July 2020 by Tailz (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - ".png|thumb]]" to ".png]]")

Back Fade is a marking that only covers the back with a gradient that fades into the body. The marking can be applied by using a Dye Back Fade.

Marking Appearance

All examples feature wajas with the marking in FF0000 (pure red). However, this marking can come in any Hex Color as well as rainbow (simply put the word "RAINBOW" in the hex field) and chrome (simply put the word "chrome" in the hex field).

BackFadeAerial.png BackFadeAfrican.png {{{arctic}}} BackFadeBane.png BackFadeCorsie.png BackFadeDivine.png BackFadeEarth.png BackFadeEgyptian.png BackFadeFire.png BackFadeForest.png BackFadeImp.png BackFadeNormal.png BackFadePlushie.png BackFadeSpitz.png BackFadeTempest.png {{{velox}}} BackFadeWater.png