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This page describes the contest function of the wajas site. For information on contests run by users on the forums, please see User Held Contests/Games

Contests are a relatively recent addition to the site. Through the contests feature, users can train their wajas and enter them in a variety of contests.

Basic Training

A waja must have completed basic training to be able to participate in any contest. Basic Training costs 1,000 WC per waja, and gives you 16 points you can assign as you wish to each of the four Stats: Intelligence, Speed, Reflex, and Stamina. On the basic training page you will see a list of all your wajas who have not yet completed basic training and will be able to pick which ones (if any) you wish to train, one at a time.

Contest Wajas

Each waja that has gone through Basic Training is known as a Contest Waja. Only Contest Wajas can compete in Contests, and only Contest Wajas can participate in Advanced Trainings.

Once a waja has gone through basic training, it will have a new section on its profile page called "This is a Contest Waja". Under this section you will see the waja's Experience, Level, Energy, Intelligence, Speed, Reflex, and Stamina.

A single waja can only be entered in one contest at a time. While entered in a contest, wajas cannot participate in advanced training.


There are currently four stats involved in contests: Intelligence, Speed, Reflex, and Stamina. Different Stats come into play in each Contest, for example a racing contest probably puts more importance on Speed and Stamina, while Intelligence is more important for a puzzle solving contest. Keep this in mind as you assign your 16 Stat points. You may choose to train each waja for a particular contest.

Levels and Experience

Each contest a waja competes in bumps its Experience by 1 point. Contest winners gain additional experience points (3 for first place, 2 for second place, 1 for third place).

Each Advanced Training also bumps Experience by 1 point.

As each Contest Waja gains Experience, its Level also increases. After Basic training a waja starts with no Experience points and at Level 1. Levels increase quickly at first, and more slowly with experience.


Each Contest Waja starts each day at midnight wajas time with 100 Energy units. This should be enough to participate in a couple contests, or one contest and an Advanced Training or two.

Energy is replenished every day at midnight wajas time, bringing the Energy level back to 100 for each Contest Waja.

If a Contest Waja does not have enough energy to compete in a Contest, she will not be allowed to enter that contest.

Upcoming Contests

This is the page that displays contests that are upcoming or currently going on. From this page you can see the types and levels of contests, when they will be starting, and the current and maximum number of entries.

You can click on the name of a contest or the "Enter Contest" link to go to the page for that contest. Here you will see a white box containing further information about the contest:

  • Entry Fee - the amount of WC you have to pay to participate.
  • Energy Required' - The amount of energy it will cost your waja to participate in the contest.
  • Contest Begins - The date and time (according to Wajas Time) that the contest will start.
  • Entry Cutoff - The date and time (according to Wajas Time) that the contest will stop taking new entries.
  • Age Range - How old a waja must be to compete in the contest.
  • Level Ranges - The minimum and maximum level a waja can be to participate in the contest.
  • Minimum Entries - The minimum number of entrants the contest needs for it to run. If this number isn't met or exceeded, the contest will be canceled, all entry fees refunded, and the participants notified.
  • Maximum Entries - The maximum number of entrants allowed in the contest.
  • Current Entries - The current number of entrants participating in the contest.
  • First/Second/Third Prize - The amount of WC that will be awarded to the first, second, and third place winners.

Below this will be a link you can follow to enter the contest as well as a list of all the current entrant wajas, their stats, and their owners. However, please keep in mind that you can only enter one waja in any given contest, and each waja can only participate in one contest at a time.

Contest Types and Tiers

There are a variety of different types and levels of contests.


  • Dynamic Dig - A stamina based contest.
  • Hide and Seek - Appears to be an intelligence based contest.
  • Long Distance Race - A speed and stamina based contest.
  • Monster Maze - An intelligence based contest.
  • Musical Chairs-A reflex based contest.
  • Rabbit Chase - A speed and stamina based contest.
  • Senior Bingo - Requires wajas to be at least 300 days old or older to participate.


There are six levels for each type of contest. Each tier consists of wajas between certain levels.

  • Novice - Wajas level 1 - 3
  • Champion - Wajas level 4 - 8
  • Grand Champion - Wajas level 9 - 15
  • Regional - Wajas level 16-22
  • Grand Regional - Wajas level 23-30
  • National - Wajas level 31 - 100

Advanced Training

Advanced training is extra training a waja goes through to increase its stats. This takes the form of a mini-game that the user plays. The increase in stat that the waja gains depends on the performance of the player in these mini-games.

Whack A Mole (Reflexes)

Whack A Mole

Classic whack the moles game. Costs 20 energy to play.

Click on the X's as they appear to score points. Clicking on an O by mistake counts as a miss. Five misses ends the game. Watch out, the game moves faster as it goes on. Be quick! Be accurate!

Score 50-79 points and increase your waja's Reflex Stat by 1. Score 80+ points and increase your waja's Reflex Stat by 2. BONUS: Score 90+ points and get 1 bonus Stat Point you can assign as you wish.

NOTE: The game does not automatically end, even after you get over 90 points. The game will only end after you use up all of your misses.

Maths Challenge (Intelligence)

Maths Challenge

Solve as many math problems as you can in one minute. Costs 20 energy to play.

Score 20-39 points and increase your waja's Intelligence Stat by 1. Score 40+ points and increase your waja's Intelligence Stat by 2.

BONUS: Score 50+ points and get 1 bonus Stat Point you can assign as you wish.

This game tasks you with solving simple addition and subtraction problems involving the number 1 through 9.

Tip: For most browsers you can simply press the enter key after entering your answer rather than having to click enter.

Snake (Speed)


Classic snake game. Costs 20 energy to play. Use the arrow keys to move your red snake to the blue food. The more you eat, the longer your snake gets. Game ends when you run into a wall or run into yourself!

Notes: Snakes cannot back up. If you try you'll run into yourself After a point food will only stay on the board a short time Some food will be too far away to get in time Opera users can use the ASDW keys to move, since the arrows scroll the page

Score 20-39 points and increase your waja's Speed Stat by 1. Score 40+ points and increase your waja's Speed Stat by 2.

BONUS: Score 80+ points and get 1 bonus Stat Point you can assign as you wish.

NOTE: The game does not automatically end, even after you get over 80 points. The game will only end after you use up all of your lives.

Path Runner (Stamina)

Path Runner

How long can you keep your waja on the path? Costs 20 energy to play. This training increases Stamina. Use the left and right arrow keys to keep your waja on the path and increase your waja's stamina. Be sure to stay on the path, though; if you wander off your time will decrease! You can press the space key to pause and resume the game.

Stay on the path for 2 minutes to increase your waja's Stamina Stat by 1. Stay on for 5 minutes to increase it by 2. Stay on for 10 minutes to increase it by 3!

NOTE: The game does not automatically end, even after you've been running for 10 minutes. You will have to pause the game after you've reached your chosen landmark (2 minutes, 5 minutes, or 10 minutes) and click the "end game" button manually to make the game end and receive your points.


Contests are still considered to be in the "beta testing" phase. This means there are likely to still be some bugs to work out. If you encounter a problem or glitch during your use of the feature you can report it to either the Mod Box or the appropriate thread on the glitch forum.