Newbie Adoptions

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In the "Newbie Introductions" section at the forums, there is a subforum called "Adopt a user". There you can go as a newbie, and ask on somebody's topic to be adopted. Don't make your own topic asking to be adopted, just post on a topic where somebody's offering to do it. Also, don't go posting on ten different boards, just keep it to one and wait patiently.

The person who adopts someone, is supposed to help that person by answering questions, teaching him/her to breed/sell/buy/make money/etc. on Wajas. They often give one or two Wajas and WC to the adopted people. Some people adopt the person, give away a few things, and send them off. Look for a board with real lessons, and make sure your adopter isn't a newbie his/herself.

Some clubs and other groups will have adoption groups with lots of members collaborating, each adopting a newbie or two.