
From The Wajas Wiki
Revision as of 16:34, 6 January 2014 by Lammy (talk | contribs) (Text replace - "WC/" to "WC /")

The pre-sale forum is located under: Communicate – Forums – Sales – Pre-sales.

Pre-sales refer to the sale of pups from parents that are not yet created or fully dyed. The purchaser is essentially loaning the WC /items/etc. to the creator for the purpose of completing their design. The repayment of the loan will be the promised pup(s.) Once the parents are created and the design is completed, the pre-sale is closed.

Limited time price reduction on pups Risky – may never be completed
Payment may also be accepted in the form of dyes/pears Can take up to 3 months for the first breeding
You’ll be one of the first users with the new design You only see the predictions of the parents/pups
Limited Stage pups No guarantees

Pre-sales usually have pups that are sold at a reduced price for a limited time. Form of payment may also be more flexible – the creator may also accept dyes and/or pears. Very rarely, pup trades may be accepted as payment.

Pre-sales have an element of risk to them as the purchaser is paying for something that does not yet exist. Some pre-sale projects are never completed. They can also take a substantial amount of time to complete. Note that there is no formal tracking of pre-sales. All business is conducted on the forum thread. Most of the time, your WC/items/etc is returned if there is a problem – but there are no guarantees. The mods will only intervene if there is clear evidence of scamming.

Pre-sales may also have limited "Stage" pups for sale. If a marking on the design is available as a dye - the creator may breed the Customs before dye(s) is applied to produce pups that are “unfinished.” Markings cannot be removed - this adds value to stage pups as there is a limited amount of pups without those dyes. (These pups are wonderful for semi-customs.) Stages also provide variety for users who do not care for the final design.


Check the creators other threads – have they had previous pre-sales go wrong?

Clarify any issues that are not addressed at the beginning of the thread:

  • Expected time frame for completion
  • Return/refund procedure
  • How frequently the thread will be updated with progress