Harvest Moon

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Revision as of 07:21, 27 July 2021 by Tailz (talk | contribs)
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Harvest Moon is a Dye Marking that can be applied to your waja by using a Dye Harvest Moon. It adds a shaded detailed outline of a moon to the rear of the waja.

Marking Appearance

All examples feature wajas with the marking in FF0000 (pure red). However, this marking can come in any Hex Color or Texture.

HarvestMoonAerial.png HarvestMoonAfrican.png HarvestMoonArctic.png HarvestMoonBane.png HarvestMoonCorsie.png HarvestMoonDivine.png HarvestMoonEarth.png HarvestMoonEgyptian.png HarvestMoonFire.png HarvestMoonForest.png HarvestMoonImp.png HarvestMoonNormal.png HarvestMoonPlushie.png HarvestMoonSpitz.png HarvestMoonTempest.png HarvestMoonWater.png