
From The Wajas Wiki
Revision as of 09:15, 4 October 2020 by Tailz (talk | contribs)

Startouched is a type of Mutation that can be added to a waja currently only through use of Startouched DNA. The mutation includes a trail of stars that surrounds the waja's body. Created by Estuko.

Mutation Appearance

All examples feature wajas with FF0000 (pure red) stars. However, this mutation can come in any Hex Color except rainbow and chrome.

StartouchedAerial.png StartouchedAfrican.png StartouchedArctic.png StartouchedBane.png StartouchedCorsie.png StartouchedDivine.png StartouchedEarth.png StartouchedEgyptian.png StartouchedFire.png StartouchedForest.png StartouchedImp.png StartouchedNormal.png StartouchedPlushie.png StartouchedSpitz.png StartouchedTempest.png StartouchedWater.png