July 2014 Fundraiser

From The Wajas Wiki

In July 2014, Estuko announced that the planned Wajas remodel needed more funding and to encourage this, there would be a number of fundraising events and releases spread throughout the month. These included:

  • Rare/uncommon items being sold in her user shop for varying amounts of CWP and some WC.
  • The sale of the Serthire custom patch and its associated custom via the Auction House.
  • The release of Aerial Tokens and Star Packages in the Token Shop at half the price of regular Tokens and Star Packages.
  • The sale of custom Divines in her cave for a low price of 30 CWP, which came with Teilah and Phat Kat, the latter being a new pet item only obtainable by purchasing these Divines.
  • One week of being upgraded for free to all accounts that had been active for the last two weeks (already upgraded accounts got a week added on).
  • The addition of Dye Mystery to the Dye Shop, notably the only dye there being sold for CWP and in infinite stock.
  • Opacity glitched wajas auctioned off in the Auction House through the use of the newly introduced Auction Cards.