Prehistoric Potion

From The Wajas Wiki
"The Mad Scientist says "The Prehistoric Potion is a popular one. Its effects are, well, prehistoric and not currently available on today's specimens. Perhaps some day I should invest more into extending the effects of this potion.""
Item Type: Potion
Item ID: 893
Artist: Estuko
Release Date: May 15, 2010
Release Method: Mining Cave
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Permanently places the "Raptor Claws" mutation on a waja. Previously released through the Mad Scientist before Nicola took over.

Mutation Appearance

RaptorClawsAerial.png RaptorClawsAfrican.png {{{arctic}}} RaptorClawsBane.png RaptorClawsCorsie.png RaptorClawsDivine.png RaptorClawsEarth.png RaptorClawsEgyptian.png RaptorClawsFire.png RaptorClawsForest.png RaptorClawsImp.png RaptorClawsNormal.png RaptorClawsPlushie.png RaptorClawsSpitz.png RaptorClawsTempest.png {{{velox}}} RaptorClawsWater.png