Who's Online

From The Wajas Wiki

The Who's Online page displays a list of which users are currently logged in to the site. At the top of the page is a legend of Staff feather colors, which will appear in the "Role" column to the left of the usernames of site staff. Below the legend and above the actual list will be a count of how many players total are currently online (ex. "300 players are online").

The list can be sorted in different ways by clicking the header that you want it sorted by:

  • User ID - The default sort method, this orders the users's by their User ID from lowest ID number to highest. Clicking it again will sort them from highest to lowest, and further clicks will switch between the two.
  • Role - Clicking this will place members of site staff at the top of the list. Clicking again will put them at the bottom of the list, and further clicks will switch between the two.
  • Nickname - This sort method orders users alphabetically by their username. Clicking again will put them in reverse-alphabetical order, and further clicks will switch between the two.
  • Online Time - Clicking this header will order the users by how long they've been online, from longest time to shortest time. Clicking again will order them from shortest time to longest time, and further clicks will switch between the two.