
From The Wajas Wiki
(Redirected from Bookmark)

Bookmarking is a way to keep track of specific threads on the forums. You can view your currently bookmarked threads by clicking "Bookmarks", which will cause links to them to show up on the left side of the page.

Adding and Removing Bookmarks

To bookmark a thread, first navigate to the thread you want to bookmark. In the bottom right of the box that contains the thread's title, there will be a link that says "Bookmark This". Click this link and the thread will be added to your bookmarks list.

Once the thread has been bookmarked, the link that said "Bookmark This" will change to say "Un-Bookmark". Simply click it to remove the bookmark from your list.

Alternatively, you can also click "Bookmarks" and then "View/Manage All My Bookmarks". This page will list all of your current bookmarks, the date you bookmarked them, and an "Un-Bookmark" link next to each one so that you can remove them as you wish.