
From The Wajas Wiki
(Redirected from Line Breeding)

In the context of, Linebreeding is a form of Inbreeding where the two wajas being bred are related, but not closely enough to produce an Inbred Percentage (IN%) in the resulting pups. Examples of breedings that would be considered Linebreeding include:

  • Grandparent to Grandchild (results in 0% IN if the two wajas being bred do not already have an IN%)
  • Cousin to Cousin (results in 0% IN if the two wajas being bred do not already have an IN%)
  • Aunt to Nephew (results in 0% IN if the two wajas being bred do not already have an IN%)
  • Uncle to Niece (results in 0% IN if the two wajas being bred do not already have an IN%)


Opinions on linebreeding vary greatly from person to person, but the majority of players seem to look on linebred wajas much less harshly than on a waja that is inbred. If the parents are very distantly related (such as a waja being bred back to its great, great, great, great uncle), many players will not consider the waja's value to be lowered. However, the effect of linebreeding on worth of a waja is entirely on a player by player basis. Some players check only that the waja is not inbred and beyond that don't care, while others will check the waja's entire lineage to ensure it is not linebred at all or else they won't buy it.

One of the many reason that Generation 2 wajas are so popular is that it is impossible for them to be inbred or linebred, thus preventing the need for the buyer to check the lineage altogether.