Pony Pal Susan

From The Wajas Wiki
(Redirected from Susan the Horse)
"Susan the Horse was awarded to those who competed and won in contests on the Admin Board June 2008.
**Part of the horse series."
Item Type: Accessory
Item ID: 384
Release Date: June 26, 2008
Release Method: Contest Prize
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Equipped Appearance

SusantheHorseAerial.png SusantheHorseAfrican.png {{{arctic}}} SusantheHorseBane.png SusantheHorseCorsie.png SusantheHorseDivine.png SusantheHorseEarth.png SusantheHorseEgyptian.png SusantheHorseFire.png SusantheHorseForest.png SusantheHorseImp.png SusantheHorseNormal.png SusantheHorsePlushie.png SusantheHorseSpitz.png SusantheHorseTempest.png {{{velox}}} SusantheHorseWater.png