Dye Belt

From The Wajas Wiki
Revision as of 16:14, 24 June 2024 by Plaguewind (talk | contribs)
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"Use this dye to give your waja the Belt marking."
Item Type: Dye
Item ID: 9415
Artist: Fatal and Tikitorch
Release Date: Sept 1st, 2023
Release Method: Balloon Pop
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Dye Appearance

BeltAerial.png BeltAfrican.png BeltArctic.png BeltBane.png BeltCorsie.png BeltDivine.png BeltEarth.png BeltEgyptian.png BeltFire.png BeltForest.png BeltImp.png BeltNormal.png BeltPlushie.png BeltSpitz.png BeltTempest.png BeltVelox.png BeltWater.png