Shoulder Eyes
Shoulder Eyes
Shoulder Eyes is a Wajas mutation. It can be added to a waja with the Nightmare Potion (seen below).
When added, you cannot choose the colour. It automatically appears in white (hex value: #ffffff)
To make the Nightmare Potion, you will need 2 rocks, 1 earthworm, 3 roots and 3 crystal shards.
Shoulder Eyes on an Aerial:
File:Shoulder Eyes Aerial.jpeg
On an African: File:Shoulder Eyes Affie.jpeg
On a Bane:
File:Shoulder Eyes Bane.jpeg
On a Corsie: File:Shoulder Eyes Corsie.jpeg
On a Divine: File:Shoulder Eyes Divine.jpeg
On an Earth: File:Shoulder Eyes Earth.jpeg
On an Egyptian: File:Shoulder Eyes Egyptian.jpeg
On a Fire: File:Shoulder Eyes Fire.jpeg
On an Imp: File:Shoulder Eyes Imp.jpeg
On a Normal: File:Shouldereyes.jpeg
On a Plushie: File:Shoulder Eyes Plushie.jpeg
On a Spitz: File:Shoulder Eyes Spitz.jpeg
On a Tempest: File:Shoulder Eyes Tempest.jpeg
On a Water: File:Shoulder Eyes Water.jpeg