
From The Wajas Wiki
Revision as of 18:08, 31 March 2022 by Averan (talk | contribs)

Crystal is a type of Custom Mutation. You can get this mutation the following ways: Randomly from a Mutation Pear, Applying a Crystal DNA to your waja, or by making a Custom with it. This is a two toned mutation that you can choose a primary color and a secondary color.

  • Primary: Main body of the crystal
  • Secondary: Small inner glow in the crystals

Mutation Appearance

All examples feature a white waja with the following hooves coloration:

  • Crystal (Crystals) : FF0000 RED
  • Crystal (Inner Glow) : FFFF00 YELLOW

However, each of the components of the Crystals can come in any Hex Color including Textures.

CrystalAerial.png CrystalAfrican.png CrystalArctic.png CrystalBane.png CrystalCorsie.png CrystalDivine.png CrystalEarth.png CrystalEgyptian.png CrystalFire.png CrystalForest.png CrystalImp.png CrystalNormal.png CrystalPlushie.png CrystalSpitz.png CrystalTempest.png {{{velox}}} CrystalWater.png