Celtic Silver Set

From The Wajas Wiki

The Celtic Silver Set was released on August 1, 2009 through the leaf exchange and features three components:

Similar to this set are the alternately colored Celtic Gold Set and Celtic Bronze Set.

Equipped Appearance

Shown on pure black wajas for visibility.

CelticSilverSetAerial.png CelticSilverSetAfrican.png File:CelticSilverSetArctic.png CelticSilverSetBane.png CelticSilverSetCorsie.png CelticSilverSetDivine.png CelticSilverSetEarth.png CelticSilverSetEgyptian.png CelticSilverSetFire.png CelticSilverSetForest.png CelticSilverSetImp.png CelticSilverSetNormal.png CelticSilverSetPlushie.png CelticSilverSetSpitz.png CelticSilverSetTempest.png {{{velox}}} CelticSilverSetWater.png