Easter 2011
On April 22, 2011, wajas introduced an event very similar to the TIP event, except this time the focus was on turning in items rather than wajas (though wajas could also be turned in). Another major difference was that the currency was not points but rather the 2011 Easter Egg item. As an item, eggs could be transferred, sold, and traded. Once acquired, eggs could be used in the Easter Egg Exchange to buy various items. Eggs could be obtained in one of three ways:
- Turning in 3 of the same item would grant 1 egg.
- On the release page for wajas there was an option to release them for eggs instead of WC. Only non-retired wajas could be released for eggs, and each released waja granted 1 egg.
- Eggs could also be found randomly in the mining cave.
Original News Post
"The Easter bunny has arrived early and he's hiding eggs in the mining cave! He wants you to find them and will pay handsomely for their return. He's offering all sorts of new items and old at the Egg Exchange — INCLUDING breed changing items!
He even wants your unused items and will trade 1 egg for every 3 items. To trade items go to your inventory and select "Exchange for Eggs" from the item options.
You also have the choice to release Wajas for eggs instead of WC now. Please note that we believe the more wajas/items contributed to this event will clean up the market on Wajas and possibly make your sales move faster. It'll also help out the servers so please consider contributing the items/wajas that you haven't been using. If you don't like any of the items in the exchange you could always sell/auction/gift the Easter eggs! :)
This event will expire Monday. This will not leave you enough time to BREED for this event so please don't overbreed to take advantage of this event.
Have fun and happy holidays!"
Easter Egg Exchange
The Easter Egg Exchange or "Egg Exchange" was found under World and was the shop where users could trade in their eggs for various items. The following items were available:
- Baby Chicks - 1 Easter Egg
- Easter Cartoon Field Wallpaper - 1 Easter Egg
- Raining Easter Bunnies Blue Wallpaper - 2 Easter Eggs
- Raining Easter Bunnies Green Wallpaper - 2 Easter Eggs
- Raining Easter Bunnies Pink Wallpaper - 2 Easter Eggs
- Raining Easter Bunnies Yellow Wallpaper - 2 Easter Eggs
- Easter Basket Foreground - 3 Easter Eggs
- Easter Sunrise Wallpaper - 5 Easter Eggs
- Mrs Hen - 5 Easter Eggs
- Wings Easter - 10 Easter Eggs
- Cadbury the Kitten - 15 Easter Eggs
- Easter Serpent Sea Star - 35 Easter Eggs
- Coral Reef Foreground - 50 Easter Eggs
- Pink Harness - 100 Easter Eggs
- Pink Collar - 150 Easter Eggs
- Hoppy the Bunny - 250 Easter Eggs
- Oster the Bunny - 300 Easter Eggs
- Tuxedo - 350 Easter Eggs
- Balloon Bunny - 400 Easter Eggs
- Back Tree Springtime - 500 Easter Eggs
- Springpath - 500 Easter Eggs
- Easter Pals (re-release) - 800 Easter Eggs
- Spring Day Wallpaper - 1000 Easter Eggs
- Bottled Air - 3000 Easter Eggs
- Burnt Paper - 3000 Easter Eggs
- Frog - 3000 Easter Eggs
- Hairball - 3000 Easter Eggs
- Joker Card - 3000 Easter Eggs
- Lollipop - 3000 Easter Eggs
- Miniature Pyramid - 3000 Easter Eggs
- Ominous Skull - 3000 Easter Eggs
- Plastic Waja - 3000 Easter Eggs
- Rock Waja - 3000 Easter Eggs
- Scaled Feather - 3000 Easter Eggs
- Shrinking Powder - 3000 Easter Eggs
- Marble Horse Mold - 6000 Easter Eggs
- Celestial Star - 8000 Easter Eggs