Easter 2018

From The Wajas Wiki

Easter 2018 is continuing the tradition wherein the eggs are found when using the site as a Random Event. This years theme is scribbles, which even features it's own theme! This is a nod to Easter being on April Fools this year. The eggs are both equipable as an accessory and openable. Upon being opened, the egg will disappear and be replaced by a new item. The table below lists the Crayon Eggs, the item that comes from them when opened, and the waja or user that the egg resembles.


Crayon Eggs and Items

Crayon Egg Item Waja
Crayon Egg Amica Scribbled Forest Wallpaper Amica's Tree
Crayon Egg Benjamin Crayon Companion Saratoga Benjamin
Crayon Egg Bill Scribbled Butterflies Bill
Crayon Egg Canuka Scribbled Sunset Wallpaper Canuka
Crayon Egg Eagli Spare Crayons Eagli's Eggcat
Crayon Egg Estu Scribbled Glowworm Cave Wallpaper Estu's Estuko
Crayon Egg Kila Crayon Companion Dynasty Kaen's Kila
Crayon Egg Kit Scribbled Mining Cave Wallpaper Based on Estu's Husband
Crayon Egg Kleur Scribbled Custom Demo Midground Sym's Kleur
Crayon Egg Niele Crayon Companion Laurel Niele
Crayon Egg Nost Scribbled Murky Forest Wallpaper Terminal Nostalgia
Crayon Egg Raine Scribbled Rainbow Wallpaper Raine
Crayon Egg Romi Crayon Companion Denise Romi
Crayon Egg Sadi Crayon Companion Ludovic Sadi
Crayon Egg Shelbie Crumpled Paper Ball Shelbie
Crayon Egg Solace Scribbled Sparkling Grotto Wallpaper Solace
Crayon Egg Stairs Scribbled Balloon Pop Wallpaper Zeldruin's Monster Stairs
Crayon Egg Sugar Rush The Rainbow Crayon of Mystery Sugar Rush
Crayon Egg Terra Scribbled Raccoon Forest Wallpaper Terra
Crayon Egg Tillage Crayon Companion Raffles Tillage
Crayon Egg Vaga Coloring Page Apollo Wallpaper Vagabond
Crayon Egg Zor Scribbled Field Wallpaper Zor