Nymphen Set

From The Wajas Wiki

The Nymphen set was released on April 20, 2014 and is comprised of 5 core parts:

There are also two foregrounds which can be worn with it:

There is also a wallpaper which can be worn with it:

Wajas below are shown wearing the 5 core components and the wallpaper.

Equipped Appearance

NymphenSetAerial.png NymphenSetAfrican.png {{{arctic}}} NymphenSetBane.png NymphenSetCorsie.png NymphenSetDivine.png NymphenSetEarth.png NymphenSetEgyptian.png NymphenSetFire.png NymphenSetForest.png NymphenSetImp.png NymphenSetNormal.png NymphenSetPlushie.png NymphenSetSpitz.png NymphenSetTempest.png {{{velox}}} NymphenSetWater.png