Royal Ruby Set

From The Wajas Wiki
(Redirected from Royal Ruby)
This Spitz Waja wearing the Royal Ruby Set was featured in the news post regarding the set's release.

The Royal Ruby Set was released on January 5, 2011 in the CWP Shop and features four components:

Equipped Appearance

RoyalRubyAerial.png RoyalRubyAfrican.png {{{arctic}}} RoyalRubyBane.png RoyalRubyCorsie.png RoyalRubyDivine.png RoyalRubyEarth.png RoyalRubyEgyptian.png RoyalRubyFire.png File:RoyalRubyForest.png RoyalRubyImp.png RoyalRubyNormal.png RoyalRubyPlushie.png RoyalRubySpitz.png RoyalRubyTempest.png {{{velox}}} RoyalRubyWater.png