Slime Potion

From The Wajas Wiki
(Redirected from Slime potion)
"The Mad Scientist says "Hm, the Slime Potion huh? Creatures that live in the deep have many attributes people dream of having. This Potion would give your pet just what it needs to be a water dwelling beast.""
Item Type: Potion
Item ID: 891
Artist: Estuko
Release Date: May 15, 2010
Release Method: Mining Cave
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Permanently places the "Gills" mutation on a waja. Previously released through the Mad Scientist before Nicola took over.

Mutation Appearance

GillsAerial.png GillsAfrican.png {{{arctic}}} GillsBane.png GillsCorsie.png GillsDivine.png GillsEarth.png GillsEgyptian.png GillsFire.png GillsForest.png GillsImp.png GillsNormal.png GillsPlushie.png GillsSpitz.png GillsTempest.png {{{velox}}} GillsWater.png