Xenu Potion

From The Wajas Wiki
(Redirected from Xenu potion)
"The Mad Scientist says "Oh, the Xenu Potion! I love this one, the results are exceptionally hilarious. The vision of such an effect is far and beyond any ordinary perspectives. I do enjoy the shine as well.""
Item Type: Potion
Item ID: 889
Artist: Estuko
Release Date: May 15, 2010
Release Method: Mining Cave
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Permanently places the "Alien Eyes" mutation on a waja. Previously released through the Mad Scientist before Nicola took over.

Mutation Appearance

AlienEyesAerial.png AlienEyesAfrican.png {{{arctic}}} AlienEyesBane.png AlienEyesCorsie.png AlienEyesDivine.png AlienEyesEarth.png AlienEyesEgyptian.png AlienEyesFire.png AlienEyesForest.png AlienEyesImp.png AlienEyesNormal.png AlienEyesPlushie.png AlienEyesSpitz.png AlienEyesTempest.png {{{velox}}} AlienEyesWater.png