User contributions
From The Wajas Wiki
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
- 13:43, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:MagentaPlaidWallpaper.png
- 13:42, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+217) N Kelp Forest Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Kelp_forest_wallpaper.png |description=Dive into the depths of the Wajean Sea with this backdrop! |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknow...")
- 13:41, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:KelpForestWallpaper.png
- 13:41, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+180) N Harvest Hay Orange Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Harvest_hay_wallpaper.png |description=Harvest Hay wallpaper |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |method=Unknown |price=1mil WC }}")
- 13:40, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:HarvestHayWallpaper.png
- 13:40, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+199) N Halloween Trees Orange Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Halloween_trees_backdrop.png |description=The sky grows orange this year. |type=Wallpaper |date=Halloween 2008 |method=Unknown...")
- 13:39, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:HalloweenTreesBackdrop.png
- 13:38, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+199) N Hallowed Grave Backdrop (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Hallowed_grave_backdrop.png |description=Here lies...wait, it's empty! |type=Wallpaper |date=Halloween 2008 |method=Unknown...")
- 13:38, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:HallowedGraveBackdrop.png
- 13:37, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+214) N Canvas Green Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Greendacity_wallpaper.png |description=A really random wallpaper. For your really random Wajas? |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |...")
- 13:37, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:GreendacityWallpaper.png
- 13:36, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+179) N Green Rock Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Green_rock_wallpaper.png |description=Green Rock Wallpaper. |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |method=Unknown |price=1.5k WC }}")
- 13:36, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:GreenRockWallpaper.png
- 13:35, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (-2) Cloudy Sky Wallpaper
- 13:34, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+197) N Cloudy Sky Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Cloudy_sky_wallpaper.png |description=A cloudy sky wallpaper. |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |method=Wallpaper Shop |price=...")
- 12:46, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+181) N Plaid Green Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Green_plaid_wallpaper.png |description=Green Plaid Wallpaper. |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |method=Unknown |price=450k WC }}")
- 12:46, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:GreenPlaidWallpaper.png
- 12:45, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+182) N Green Pebbles Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Green_pebbles_wallpaper.png |description=Green Pebbles Wallpaper |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |method=Unknown |price=5k [[WC]...")
- 12:45, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:GreenPebblesWallpaper.png
- 12:44, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+178) N Plaid Gray Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Gray_plaid_wallpaper.png |description=Grey Plaid Wallpaper. |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |method=Unknown |price=50k WC }}")
- 12:44, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:GrayPlaidWallpaper.png
- 12:43, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+182) N Plaid Golden Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Golden_plaid_wallpaper.png |description=Golden Plaid Wallpaper. |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |method=Unknown |price=45k [[WC]...")
- 12:43, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:GoldenPlaidWallpaper.png
- 12:42, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+170) N Glase Wallpaper Two (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Glase_wallpaper_two.png |description=Greenish shiny! |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |method=Unknown |price=9k WC }}")
- 12:42, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:GlaseWallpaperTwo.png
- 12:41, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+162) N Glase Wallpaper One (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Glase_wallpaper_one.png |description=Shiny! |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |method=Unknown |price=12k WC }}")
- 12:41, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:GlaseWallpaperOne.png
- 12:38, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+152) Frozen Aurora Wallpaper
- 12:37, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:FrozenAuroraWallpaper.png
- 12:36, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+223) N Fireworks Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Fireworks_wallpaper.png |description=What better way to spend the holidays then to watch some fireworks? |type=Wallpaper |date...")
- 12:35, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:FireworksWallpaper.png
- 12:34, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+181) N Plaid Fiesta Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Fiesta_plaid_wallpaper.png |description=Fiesta Plaid Wallpaper |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |method=Unknown |price=65k WC }}")
- 12:34, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:FiestaPlaidWallpaper.png
- 12:33, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+197) N Cirrus Fields Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Cirrus_fields_wallpaper.png |description=Enjoy this peaceful backdrop! |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |method=CWP shop |pri...")
- 12:33, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:CirrusFieldsWallpaper.png
- 12:32, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+179) N Plaid Blue Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Blue_plaid_wallpaper.png |description=Blue Plaid Wallpaper. |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |method=Unknown |price=100k WC }}")
- 12:31, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:BluePlaidWallpaper.png
- 12:31, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+180) N Blue Pebble Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Blue_pebbles_wallpaper.png |description=Blue Pebble Wallpaper |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |method=Unknown |price=<1k WC }}")
- 12:30, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:BluePebblesWallpaper.png
- 12:29, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+184) N Blue Grain Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Blue_grain_wallpaper.png |description=Blue Grain Wallpaper. |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |method=Unknown |price=3k [[W...")
- 12:28, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:BlueGrainWallpaper.png
- 12:27, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+205) N Autumn Woodland Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Autumn_woodland_wallpaper.png |description=You'd better get your rake... |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown |method=CWP Shop...")
- 12:27, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:AutumnWoodlandWallpaper.png
- 12:25, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+228) N Artsy Wallpaper 1 (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Artsy_wallpaper_1.png |description=An artsy wallpaper, sent out in celebration of Customs being up again! |type=Wallpaper |...")
- 12:24, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:ArtsyWallpaper1.png
- 12:22, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+230) N Amber Skyscape Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Amber_skyscape_wallpaper.png |description=Let the tranquility of this skyscape take your break away... |type=Wallpaper |dat...")
- 12:21, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:AmberSkyscapeWallpaper.png
- 12:19, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+224) N Afternoon Forest Wallpaper (Created page with "Category:Wallpapers {{Item |image=File:Afternoon_forest_wallpaper.png |description=Take an afternoon walk in this delightful forest. |type=Wallpaper |date=Unknown...")
- 12:17, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (0) N File:AfternoonForestWallpaper.png
- 12:12, 23 January 2011 (diff | hist) (+74) Noobs
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)