Breeding Stats
Litter Quantity
LQ = Litter Quantity. This affects how many pups will be born.
- 90+ LQ has a most chance of getting 3-4 pups.
- 60-89 LQ has a greater chance of getting 2 or 3 pups.
- 20-59 LQ has a greater chance or getting one or 2 pups.
- 19 LQ and below, and your waja won't get more than 2 pups - in most likelihood, there'll only be 1 pup.
You can gain LQ by eating Normal Pears.
Mutation Percentage
MU = Mutation Gene. This affects the chance of the pups getting mutations from the parents. If your waja has no mutations, then this is pointless, unless you are going to add a mutation or two later on, or if you are going to put mutations on the pups.
You can gain MU by eating Strange Pears.
Male Gene
MG = Male Gene. This affects the likelihood of a male pup being born.
You can gain MG by eating Male Pears.
Inbred Percentage
IN% = Inbred percent. This is how inbred your waja is. Having a lot of this is bad, because most people don't like them; so if your waja is inbred, there is less likelihood of it being bought. If they are bought, there is a chance of them just being given to the OWF.
You can reduce IN % by eating Ice Pears.