Compressed waja

From The Wajas Wiki
Revision as of 14:40, 2 July 2012 by Evysunshine (talk | contribs) (A compressed Waja is a Waja that has been released and no longer has any image, HEX codes, or details about markings.)
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A compressed Waja is a Waja that has been released to the Obsessed Waja Fan and no longer has any image, HEX codes, or details about markings. Waja images take up a lot of storage space on the server, so images of wajas which have been released to the Obsessed Waja Fan are soon compressed. This allows the wajas' lineage to remain intact, but the actual image is no longer viewable. You cannot buy or be transferred a compressed waja because they were discarded,and cannot be recovered. When you look at a compressed waja's link, all you see is a white box where you would ordinarily see the waja's picture. It's done this way so the site doesn't have to buy more and more space for storage of images that belong to wajas no one can play with any longer.