Compressed waja
A compressed Waja is a Waja that has been released to the Obsessed Waja Fan and no longer has any image, HEX codes, or details about markings. Waja images take up a lot of storage space on the server, however wajas with offspring cannot simply be deleted from the database. If a waja is sent to the OWF but still has offspring that are not also in the OWF, it becomes compressed. When a waja is compressed it's image is replaced with a placeholder breed image and all details about its markings, mutations and colors are removed. This allows the wajas' lineage to remain intact, but the actual image is no longer viewable. You cannot buy or be transferred a compressed waja because they were discarded and cannot be recovered. This is done to minimize the amount of space spared for the storage of images that belong to wajas which nobody can play with any longer.

If one were to look at a waja's compressed parents, all you see is a white box with the words, "Compressed Waja" where you would ordinarily see the waja's picture. When you view the page of a compressed waja, their image shows as a pure white markingless/mutationless waja in the breed that it is.