To access the Bank, either go to World and then Bank, or click on the amount of WC you have on hand (located in the top right corner on the same bar as your user name).
From here you can see how much WC you have in your account as well as deposit, withdraw, or transfer WC using the bank tabs.
- Deposit - The bank defaults to being on this tab. Simply enter the amount of WC to deposit (equal or less than the amount you have on hand) and click "Process Transaction." If successful you will get a notification and the WC will go from your on-hand WC to your bank account.
- Withdraw - The second bank tab. Enter the amount of WC to withdraw (equal or less than the amount you have in your bank account), your PIN number, and click "Process Transaction." If successful you will get a notification and the WC will go from your bank account to your on-hand WC.
- Transfer - The third bank tab. Remember, transferred WC comes out of the bank, not your on-hand WC, so you must first deposit the WC before transferring it. Enter the amount of WC you want to transfer, then your PIN number, then the ID# of the user you wish to send it to. Finally, click "Process Transaction." If successful you will get a notification and the WC will go from your bank to the other user's transfers. Once they accept the transfer you will receive a notification in your notification box letting you know. If you want to cancel a WC transfer, go to Home ->Your Transfers -> WC and click "Cancel" next to the appropriate transfer. You can only cancel WC transfers that have not yet been accepted. After it's accepted, there is nothing you can do to get the WC back.
Please note that for any transaction involving the bank you must only use numerical characters (not commas, dollar signs, or letters). For example, if you wanted to deposit 1mil WC you would have to enter 1000000 rather than 1,000,000.
Also note that there are no functions for CWP in the bank, as CWP is treated like an item by the site and is kept in your inventory.
At the bottom of the Bank page are four tabs containing activity logs for your bank account. These are:
- Deposit History - Displays the time, date, and amount of the 20 most recent deposits.
- Withdraw History - Displays the time, date, and amount of the 20 most recent withdrawals.
- Incoming Transfer History - Displays the time, date, and amount of the 20 most recent transfers you've received. Note: Does not record the user that sent the transfer.
- Outgoing Transfer History - Displays the time, date, and amount of the 20 most recent transfers you've sent out. Note: Does not record the user that the transfer was sent to.
For Transfers, there will be an indication of the transfer's status next to the time it was sent. A blank means the transfer is incomplete, a green circle with a check means the transfer was completed successfully, and a red circle with a ! in it means the transfer was declined.
You PIN Number
If you haven't set a PIN number yet, you can do so by going to your account setup and clicking the "PIN" tab. You can also change your current PIN on this page.
If you've forgotten your pin, you can reset it via a "Reset PIN" button on the Bank page.