Lava Flow

From The Wajas Wiki

Lava Flow is a Marking that covers the entirety of the body with lava streams that leave patches of large and small circles. This marking can be applied by using a Dye Lava Flow. Can also be used in conjunction with the markings Lava, Lava Flow Fade, and/or Lava Texture.

Marking Appearance

All examples feature wajas with the marking in FF0000 (pure red). However, this marking can come in any Hex Color as well as any Texture.

LavaFlowAerial.png LavaFlowAfrican.png LavaFlowArctic.png LavaFlowBane.png LavaFlowCorsie.png LavaFlowDivine.png LavaFlowEarth.png LavaFlowEgyptian.png LavaFlowFire.png LavaFlowForest.png LavaFlowImp.png LavaFlowNormal.png LavaFlowPlushie.png LavaFlowSpitz.png LavaFlowTempest.png LavaFlowWater.png