Rhino Horns

From The Wajas Wiki
Revision as of 14:36, 30 March 2022 by Averan (talk | contribs)

Rhino Horns are a type of Potion Mutation. They can be permanently added to your waja by using a Livingston Potion on it. Rhino Horns give your waja two small horns on the bridge of their nose, like a rhinoceros.

Mutation Appearance

All examples feature wajas with FF0000 (pure red) Antennae. However, this mutation can come in any Hex Color as well as any Texture.

RhinoHornsAerial.png RhinoHornsAfrican.png RhinoHornsArctic.png RhinoHornsBane.png RhinoHornsCorsie.png RhinoHornsDivine.png RhinoHornsEarth.png RhinoHornsEgyptian.png RhinoHornsFire.png RhinoHornsForest.png RhinoHornsImp.png RhinoHornsNormal.png RhinoHornsPlushie.png RhinoHornsSpitz.png RhinoHornsTempest.png {{{velox}}} RhinoHornsWater.png