Birdwing Chimes

From The Wajas Wiki
"I have no clue why you'd put something like that on your wings, but..."
Item Type: Accessory
Item ID: 1423
Artist: Thorin
Release Date: December 19, 2011
Release Method: Christmas 2011
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Please note that this item does not give your waja wings; the waja must already have visible Bird Wings or Tri Wings mutation for the item to display correctly. Otherwise, the item will seem to simply "float" in the air where the wings would have been.

This is not a glitch, as the item is designed for use with wajas with those specific mutations and is working as intended by its designer.

Equipped Appearance

Shown on wajas with visible pure white Bird Wings (except for the Divine breed, as the item works on their natural wings instead).

BirdwingChimesAerial.png BirdwingChimesAfrican.png {{{arctic}}} BirdwingChimesBane.png BirdwingChimesCorsie.png BirdwingChimesDivine.png BirdwingChimesEarth.png BirdwingChimesEgyptian.png BirdwingChimesFire.png BirdwingChimesForest.png BirdwingChimesImp.png BirdwingChimesNormal.png BirdwingChimesPlushie.png BirdwingChimesSpitz.png BirdwingChimesTempest.png {{{velox}}} BirdwingChimesWater.png