Ground Squirrel Fill

From The Wajas Wiki

Ground Squirrel Fill is a marking that covers the back of the waja and adds some effects on the head, similar to patterns seen on SquirrelFills. It can be applied using the Dye Ground Squirrel Fill, and be used in conjuction with Ground Squirrel.

Marking Appearance

All examples feature wajas with the marking in FF0000 (pure red). However, this marking can come in any Hex Color as well as any Texture.

GroundSquirrelFillAerial.png GroundSquirrelFillAfrican.png GroundSquirrelFillArctic.png GroundSquirrelFillBane.png GroundSquirrelFillCorsie.png GroundSquirrelFillDivine.png GroundSquirrelFillEarth.png GroundSquirrelFillEgyptian.png GroundSquirrelFillFire.png GroundSquirrelFillForest.png GroundSquirrelFillImp.png GroundSquirrelFillNormal.png GroundSquirrelFillPlushie.png GroundSquirrelFillSpitz.png GroundSquirrelFillTempest.png GroundSquirrelFillWater.png