Overo Hip

From The Wajas Wiki

Overo Hip is a Marking that adds an Overo coat pattern seen in horses pattern across the body of your waja. You can add this marking to your waja by use of a Dye Overo Hip and by the use of a slot during the custom creation process. Can be used in conjunction with Overo Shoulder.

Marking Appearance

All examples feature wajas with a FF0000 (pure red) marking. However, this marking can come in any Hex Color as well as any Texture.

OveroHipAerial.png OveroHipAfrican.png OveroHipArctic.png OveroHipBane.png OveroHipCorsie.png OveroHipDivine.png OveroHipEarth.png OveroHipEgyptian.png OveroHipFire.png OveroHipForest.png OveroHipImp.png OveroHipNormal.png OveroHipPlushie.png OveroHipSpitz.png OveroHipTempest.png OveroHipWater.png