Tail Sunflowers Red

From The Wajas Wiki
"Red sunflowers for your Waja's tail."
Item Type: Accessory
Item ID: 2337
Release Date: April 5, 2015
Release Method: Easter 2015, 80 Easter Eggs
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This item is part of the Red Sunflower Set.

NOTE: This item's name previously had a typo on the site with the name "Tail Sunflowers red" (with a lowercase 'r' instead of capital), but was fixed as of August 2020.

Equipped Appearance

TailSunflowersRedAerial.png TailSunflowersRedAfrican.png File:TailSunflowersRedArctic.png TailSunflowersRedBane.png TailSunflowersRedCorsie.png TailSunflowersRedDivine.png TailSunflowersRedEarth.png TailSunflowersRedEgyptian.png TailSunflowersRedFire.png TailSunflowersRedForest.png TailSunflowersRedImp.png TailSunflowersRedNormal.png TailSunflowersRedPlushie.png TailSunflowersRedSpitz.png TailSunflowersRedTempest.png {{{velox}}} TailSunflowersRedWater.png