Custom tokens, usually just called "Tokens," are used to create Custom Wajas. They are primarily purchased from the Token Shop with CWP, though they can also be purchased from other users via the Shop Search. They can also be obtained through Star Packages. There are three types of tokens for each breed (except Breedless): Silver, Gold, and Diamond. The color of the token determines how many markings/mutations the custom can be made with.
- Silver Token - 2 Markings/Mutations - $20 CWP
- Gold Token - 3 Markings/Mutations - $30 CWP
- Diamond Token - 4 Markings/Mutations - $40 CWP (NOTE: Diamond Tokens are only available at special releases.)
Remember, when creating a custom, each marking takes one spot, and each mutation takes one spot. So for a Diamond Token, you could have 2 markings and 2 mutations, 4 markings, 4 mutations, 3 markings and 1 mutation, or 3 mutations and 1 marking.
Token Availability
Tokens which can always be found in the Token Shop:
- Silver/Gold Normal Tokens
- Silver/Gold Corsie Tokens
- Silver/Gold Egyptian Tokens
- Silver/Gold Fire Tokens
- Silver/Gold Imp Tokens
- Silver/Gold Tempest Tokens
- Silver/Gold Spitz Tokens
Limited Tokens:
- Divine Tokens go on sale in the Token Shop once a year on July 3rd at 9am waja time for 24 hours until July 4th at 9am Waja Time. Silver Divine tokens are $50 CWP and Gold Divine tokens are $60 CWP. They are limited to two per person and are not able to be used until after the sale has ended.
- Bane Tokens go on sale in the Token Shop once a year for the month of October as a special Halloween breed. Silver Bane tokens are $20 CWP and Gold Bane tokens are $30 CWP.
Unavailable Tokens:
These tokens can only be bought through the Shop Search or obtained randomly with a Mystery Token.
- All previously released breeds' Diamond Tokens. Diamond Token are only sold for a short time after a breed is released and are not usually made available ever again.
- Silver/Gold African Tokens
- Silver/Gold Aerial Tokens
- Silver/Gold Earth Tokens
- Silver/Gold Water Tokens
- Silver/Gold Plushie Tokens
Using a Token
To create a custom waja using a token, first locate the token in your inventory. Click it and select "Create a Waja", then "Go to the Custom Maker". Here you will be presented with a screen similar to that of the Custom Demo (NOTE: it is a good idea to use the Custom Demo to plan out your design before getting to this step.) From here you can select the Gender, Eye Color, Base Color, and the markings/mutations and colors of those markings/mutations that you want the waja to have. The number of marking/mutation slots available will depend on what color Token you're using. Once you've chosen these, you can now press "Preview". If you are satisfied with the waja you've designed, you may now press "Create". DO NOT PRESS CREATE UNLESS YOU ARE SATISFIED WITH YOUR DESIGN. After you press Create, you cannot go back or edit the waja, and there are no refunds. Congratulations! Your new Gen 1 waja should now be in your cave.
Pages in category "Tokens"
The following 54 pages are in this category, out of 54 total.
- Diamond Token Aerial
- Diamond Token African
- Diamond Token Arctic
- Diamond Token Bane
- Diamond Token Corsie
- Diamond Token Divine
- Diamond Token Earth
- Diamond Token Egyptian
- Diamond Token Fire
- Diamond Token Forest
- Diamond Token Imp
- Diamond Token Mystery
- Diamond Token Normal
- Diamond Token Plushie
- Diamond Token Spitz
- Diamond Token Tempest
- Diamond Token Velox
- Diamond Token Water
- Gold Token Aerial
- Gold Token African
- Gold Token Arctic
- Gold Token Bane
- Gold Token Corsie
- Gold Token Divine
- Gold Token Earth
- Gold Token Egyptian
- Gold Token Fire
- Gold Token Forest
- Gold Token Imp
- Gold Token Mystery
- Gold Token Normal
- Gold Token Plushie
- Gold Token Spitz
- Gold Token Tempest
- Gold Token Water
- Gold Velox Token
- Silver Token Aerial
- Silver Token African
- Silver Token Arctic
- Silver Token Bane
- Silver Token Corsie
- Silver Token Divine
- Silver Token Earth
- Silver Token Egyptian
- Silver Token Fire
- Silver Token Forest
- Silver Token Imp
- Silver Token Mystery
- Silver Token Normal
- Silver Token Plushie
- Silver Token Spitz
- Silver Token Tempest
- Silver Token Velox
- Silver Token Water