Dye Base

From The Wajas Wiki
"Use this dye to give your Waja the Base marking."
Item Type: Out of Shop Dye
Item ID: 280
Artist: Estuko
Release Date: January 10, 2013
Release Method: CWP Shop, 1 CWP
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The purpose of this dye is to alter the base color of a waja.

Estuko herself said in a news post, "I'm not able to make an item with my current tools that allows editing of the base color so the next best thing is a dye! :) (This will act like another marking. So be careful where you layer it.)"

As the quote states, although the dye alters your waja's base color, it is technically another marking, so two wajas being bred must have the "Base Marking" or their pups will have a faded marking.


Note: This item has the same ID as the previously unreleased item Evil Mohawk. It is assumed that this means that Evil Mohawk will not be released.

Dye Appearance

BaseAerial.png BaseAfrican.png {{{arctic}}} BaseBane.png BaseCorsie.png BaseDivine.png BaseEarth.png BaseEgyptian.png BaseFire.png BaseForest.png BaseImp.png BaseNormal.png BasePlushie.png BaseSpitz.png BaseTempest.png {{{velox}}} BaseWater.png