
From The Wajas Wiki
Revision as of 12:59, 17 April 2013 by Starlight (talk | contribs)

Senz is the name of the user who originally coded for The marking Linez (originally Senz Linez) and the mutation Prehistoric Horns (originally Senz Horns) were created for her character waja, also named Senz. It is believed that the names of the marking and mutation were changed for copyright reasons after Senz left the site.

Senz the Waja

Senz the waja's appearance.

Senz is also the name of Senz's waja character. Besides being a personal character of the site's original coder and the first waja officially created, Senz was also the first waja to ever have the Prehistoric Horns mutation and Linez marking, which were originally named Senz Horns and Senz Linez and created especially for her.

Senz was also featured on the original brown site theme, along with Estuko's waja "Estuko" and the site mascot Apollo.

Though originally owned by Senz herself, this waja (ID# 1) now belongs to Estuko's second account "Mud puppy", (ID #2).