These are site characters whose roles assist with activities on the site and who played a role on the site previously.
- 1 Waja NPCs
- 1.1 Apollo
- 1.2 Artemis
- 1.3 Vyra
- 1.4 Dynasty - Wajas&Wajas Host
- 1.5 Strudel - Accessory Shop
- 1.6 Argus - Bonus Barn
- 1.7 Sawyer - Dye Shop
- 1.8 Laurel - Leaf Exchange
- 1.9 Ludovic - Monthly Items
- 1.10 Pear Shop African
- 1.11 Pet Shop Spitzes
- 1.12 Token Shop Fire
- 1.13 Wallpaper Shop Imp
- 1.14 Snack Shop Earth
- 1.15 Balloon Pop Aerial
- 2 Other NPCs
- 3 Possible NPCs
Waja NPCs

Apollo is the site mascot. He is the main figure and deity of Lunaria and is featured in site Lore.
Santa Apollo
Santa Apollo is the Wajas Christmas mascot and, like Santa Claus, he returns every year to distribute gifts to wajas everywhere! More information can be learned on Apollo's page.Artemis

Artemis is a site NPC introduced in the November 2017 plot line. She is a native of Solaria, but made her way to Lunaria for an important purpose... She shares a likeness to Apollo, however her colors have been flipped.

Vyra is a site NPC introduced in the Glitchening plot line.
Dynasty - Wajas&Wajas Host

The first rainbow-colored African on Wajas, as well as the first male African. Dynasty became famous for being the shopkeeper of the Pear Shop. After the downtime in 2008, Dynasty stopped being the Pear Shop shopkeeper and took up his new post running the Wajas & Wajas game.
Strudel - Accessory Shop

This Egyptian is the shopkeeper for the Accessory Shop. It has been given the name Strudel.
Argus - Bonus Barn

This Bane is the shopkeeper for the Bonus Barn.
Sawyer - Dye Shop

This Water is the shopkeeper for the Dye Shop. It has been given the name Sawyer.
Laurel - Leaf Exchange

This Forest is the shopkeeper for the Leaf Exchange. It has been given the name Laurel.
Ludovic - Monthly Items

This Plushie is the shopkeeper for the CWP Shop. It has been given the name Ludovic.
Pear Shop African

This African is the shopkeeper for the Pear Shop.
Pet Shop Spitzes

These Spitzes are the shopkeepers for the Pet Shop.
Token Shop Fire

This Fire is the shop keeper of the Token Shop.
Wallpaper Shop Imp

This Imp is the shopkeeper for the Wallpaper Shop.
Snack Shop Earth

This NPC runs the Snack Shop in the Waja Park.
Balloon Pop Aerial

This Aerial runs the Balloon Pop game.
Other NPCs
Obsessed Waja Fan

The Obsessed Waja Fan (OWF) is an NPC who plays an active role within the wajas community. The OWF is the caretaker of all released wajas, and she is also the character who runs the trick or treat halloween events.
For more information on the OWF and her roles see these pages:
- Releasing wajas
- Halloween 2010
- Halloween 2011
- Halloween 2012
- Halloween 2013
- Halloween 2014
- Halloween 2015
- Halloween 2016
- Halloween 2017
The Mad Scientist

The Mad Scientist used to create Potions that will give your wajas mysterious Mutations. He escaped into hiding when Nicola the Genius took over the lab.
Nicola the Genius

Nicola the Genius was the Assistant of the Mad Scientist, and now runs the Mad Scientist Laboratory where Nicola Dyes can be made.
Possible NPCs

Not much is known about this NPC yet. She can be found in Estuko's cave, with the description "Ooooold character, soon to be new NPC".