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There are 18 different mutations on Wajas divided into two different categories - Potion mutations and Custom mutations.
[[File:BirdWingsNormal.png|right|thumb|[[Bird Wings]] is one of the most popular mutations. ]]Mutations are alterations to a waja's body, such as wings, horns, gills, and much more.  There are several different mutations on Wajas divided into three different categories - Potion mutations, Custom mutations, and DNA mutations. There is no way to change the colour of a mutation if the mutation has been inherited from parents, and only accidents with selecting colours when creating a custom can be fixed (the custom must be fixed before being bred, otherwise any existing pups must be sent to the OWF before the colours on the parent are fixed).
=Custom Mutations=
A standard list of all mutations can be found on the page Category:Mutations.
Custom mutations are mutations which are only available when you create a [[custom]] Waja with a [[Token]]. The only other way to achieve custom mutations is through a [[Mutation Pear]], which adds a random mutation to your Waja.  This is risky, however, as it can add ANY of the 9 custom mutations.
==Custom Mutations==
Custom mutations are mutations which are available when you create a [[custom]] Waja with a [[Token]]. Some of the mutations are available as both a DNA and a custom mutation, please view the Special Cases section below. You can also achieve a few of the custom mutations through a [[Mutation Pear]], which adds a random mutation from a pool of mutations.  This is risky, however, as it can add ANY of the available custom mutations.
Custom mutations are as follows:
Custom mutations are as follows:
*Bat Wings
*Bird Wings
*[[Bat Wings]]
*Butterfly Wings
*[[Bird Wings]] (Only available with a [[Token]] or by [[Mutation Pear]])
*Leg Feathers
*[[Bob Cut]]
*[[Butterfly Wings]]
*Prehistoric Horns
*[[Cloven Hooves]]
*Ram Horns
*[[Doll Curls]]
*Saber Fangs
*[[Dragon Horns]]
*[[Floppy Ears]] (Only available with a [[Token]])
*[[Goblin Ears (Mutation) | Goblin Ears]]
*[[Horse Mane]]
*[[Leg Feathers]]
*[[Leg Poms]]
*[[Long Hair]]
*[[Long Tail]]
*[[Prehistoric Horns]]
*[[Ram Horns]]
*[[Saber Fangs]] (Only available with a [[Token]] or by [[Mutation Pear]])
*[[Side Curls]]
*[[Silky Tail]]
*[[Tail Fluff]]
*[[Tri Wings]]
In order to see examples of what custom mutations look like on various breeds and in various colors, you can use the wajas.com [[Custom Demo]].
In order to see examples of what custom mutations look like on various breeds and in various colors, you can use the wajas.com [[Custom Demo]].
=Potion Mutations=
==Potion Mutations==
Potion mutations are mutations which can be applied at any time to any waja you own using the appropriate [[potion]] created by the [[Mad Scientist]]. Once added, the mutation is permanent, cannot be removed, and is inherited the same way that [[Custom Mutations]] are.  
[[File:ShoulderEyesAfrican.png|thumb|right|Example of the [[Shoulder Eyes]] mutation on the[[African]].]]Potion mutations are mutations which can be applied at any time to any waja you own using the appropriate [[potion]] created by the [[Mad Scientist]]. This feature has been removed and yet to be readded after [[Nicola the Genius]]'s takeover. However, as of November 25, 2017, potions may be found while [[Mining]] in the Murky Forest. Once added, the mutation is permanent, cannot be removed, and is inherited the same way that [[Custom Mutations]] are.
Potion mutations are as follows:
*[[Alien Eyes]]  (added with a [[Xenu Potion]])
*[[Antennae]]  (added with a [[Arista Potion]])
*[[Forked Tongue]]  (added with a [[Ptthhh Potion]])
*[[Gills]]  (added with a [[Slime Potion]])
*[[Neck Bolts]]  (added with a [[Classic Potion]])
*[[Raptor Claws]]  (added with a [[Prehistoric Potion]])
*[[Rhino Horns]]  (added with a [[Livingston Potion]])
*[[Shoulder Eyes]]  (added with a [[Nightmare Potion]])
*[[Tail Spikes]]  (added with a [[Thago Potion]])
In order to see other examples of what potion mutations look like on various breeds, you can use the wajas.com [[Custom Demo]].
==DNA Only Mutations==
This section covers Mutations that are ONLY available as a DNA and cannot be used in the Custom Creator tool. Most of the [[DNAs]] are either released via the [[CWP Shop]] on occasional releases or the [[Leaf Exchange]], and a few are [[Raccoon King Shop]] exclusives.
Potion mutations are as follows:
This section covers Mutations that are ONLY available as a DNA and cannot be used in the Custom Creator tool. These DNAs are available either in the [[DNA Emporium]] rotation, [[Leaf Exchange]], [[CWP Shop]], or as a [[Raccoon King Shop]] exclusive. Any DNA may possibly be released into the [[CWP Shop]] at varying prices any time of the year during special sales.
<gallery widths="120px" heights="80px" perrow="4">
File:AntlersDNA.png | <center> [[Antlers]]  <br /> ([[Antlers DNA]])  <br />  • [[Raccoon King Shop]]  <br /> (2,000 [[RKP]])
File:ChestFluffDNA.png | <center> [[Chest Fluff]]  <br /> ([[Chest Fluff DNA]])  <br />  • [[Raccoon King Shop]]  <br /> (2,000 [[RKP]])
File:ColoredNoseDNA.png | <center> [[Colored Nose]]  <br /> ([[Colored Nose DNA]])  <br />  • [[Leaf Exchange]]  <br /> (300 [[Leaf Points]])  <br /> • Also available by [[Mutation Pear]]
File:CrystalDNA.png | <center> [[Crystal]]  <br /> ([[Crystal DNA]])  <br />  • [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation  <br />  (10 [[CWP]])
File:FoxEarsDNA.png | <center> [[Fox Ears]]  <br /> ([[Fox Ears DNA]])  <br />  • [[Raccoon King Shop]]  <br /> (2,000 [[RKP]])
File:NeckRuffDNA.png | <center> [[Neck Ruff]]  <br /> ([[Neck Ruff DNA]])  <br />  • [[Raccoon King Shop]]  <br /> (2,000 [[RKP]])
File:OddEyesDNA.png | <center> [[Odd Eyes]]  <br /> ([[Odd Eyes DNA]])  <br />  • [[Leaf Exchange]]  <br /> (100 [[Leaf Points]])  <br />  • Also available by [[Mutation Pear]]  <br />
File:PunkManeDNA.png | <center> [[Punk Mane]]  <br /> ([[Punk Mane DNA]])  <br />  • [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation <br /> (10 [[CWP]])
File:RumpFeathersDNA.png | <center> [[Rump Feathers]]  <br /> ([[Rump Feathers DNA]])  <br />  • [[Raccoon King Shop]]  <br /> (2,000 [[RKP]])
File:SmallHornsDNA.png | <center> [[Small Horns]]  <br /> ([[Small Horns DNA]])  <br />  • [[Leaf Exchange]]  <br /> (300 [[Leaf Points]])  <br />
File:SpikedManeDNA.png | <center> [[Spiked Mane]]  <br /> ([[Spiked Mane DNA]])  <br />  • [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation  <br />  (10 [[CWP]])
File:StartouchedDNA.png | <center> [[Startouched]]  <br /> ([[Startouched DNA]])  <br />  • [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation  <br />  (1 [[CWP]])
==Custom Creation & DNA Mutations==
The following mutations are available via both the Custom Creator and has a DNA available:
<gallery widths="120px" heights="80px" perrow="4">
File:BangsDNA.png | <center> [[Bangs]] <br /> [[Bangs DNA]] <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation <br /> 5 [[CWP]]
File:BatWingsDNA.png | <center> [[Bat Wings]]  <br /> [[Bat Wings DNA]]  <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation  <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:BobCutDNA.png | <center> [[Bob Cut]] <br /> [[Bob Cut DNA]] <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:ButterflyWingsDNA.png | <center> [[Butterfly Wings]]  <br /> [[Butterfly Wings DNA]]  <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation  <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:ClovenHoovesDNA.png | <center> [[Cloven Hooves]]  <br /> [[Cloven Hooves DNA]]  <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation  <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:DollCurlsDNA.png | <center> [[Doll Curls]] <br /> [[Doll Curls DNA]] <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:DragonHornsDNA.png | <center> [[Dragon Horns]]  <br /> [[Dragon Horns DNA]]  <br /> [[Dye Shop]]  <br /> 50,000,000 [[WC]]
File:GoblinEarsDNA.png | <center> [[Goblin Ears (Mutation) | Goblin Ears]]  <br /> [[Goblin Ear DNA]]  <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation  <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:HorseManeDNA.png | <center> [[Horse Mane]]  <br /> [[Horse Mane DNA]]  <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation  <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:ImpkinAnklesDNA.png | <center> [[Impkin Ankles]]  <br /> [[Unstable Impkin DNA]]  <br /> [[Spin to Win]]  <br />
File:ImpkinEarsDNA.png | <center> [[Impkin Ears]]  <br /> [[Unstable Impkin DNA]]  <br /> [[Spin to Win]]  <br />
File:ImpkinElbowsDNA.png | <center> [[Impkin Elbows]]  <br /> [[Unstable Impkin DNA]]  <br /> [[Spin to Win]]  <br />
File:ImpkinManeDNA.png | <center> [[Impkin Mane]]  <br /> [[Unstable Impkin DNA]]  <br /> [[Spin to Win]]  <br />
File:ImpkinTailDNA.png | <center> [[Impkin Tail]]  <br /> [[Unstable Impkin DNA]]  <br /> [[Spin to Win]]  <br />
File:LegFeathersDNA.png | <center> [[Leg Feathers DNA]]  <br /> [[Leg Feathers DNA]]  <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation  <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:LegPomsDNA.png | <center> [[Leg Poms]]  <br /> [[Leg Poms DNA]]  <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation  <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:LongHairDNA.png | <center> [[Long Hair]] <br /> [[Long Hair DNA]] <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:LongTailDNA.png | <center> [[Long Tail]]  <br /> [[Long Tail DNA]]  <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation  <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:ManeDNA.png | <center> [[Mane]]  <br /> [[Mane DNA]]  <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation  <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:PrehistoricHornsDNA.png | <center> [[Prehistoric Horns]] <br /> [[Prehistoric Horns DNA]] <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:RamHornsDNA.png | <center> [[Ram Horns]]  <br /> [[Ram Horns DNA]]  <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation  <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:SideCurlsDNA.png | <center> [[Side Curls]] <br /> [[Side Curls DNA]] <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation <br /> 5 [[CWP]]
File:TailFluffDNA.png | <center> [[Tail Fluff]]  <br /> [[Tail Fluff DNA]]  <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation  <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:TentaclesDNA.png | <center> [[Tentacles]]  <br /> [[Tentacles DNA]]  <br /> [[DNA Emporium]] Rotation  <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:TriWingDNA.png | <center> [[Tri Wings]]  <br /> [[TriWing DNA]]  <br /> [[CWP Shop]]  <br /> 10 [[CWP]]
File:UnihornDNA.png | <center> [[Unihorn]]  <br /> [[Unihorn DNA]]  <br /> [[Leaf Exchange]]  <br /> 250 [[Leaf Points]]
==Mutated Breeding Mutations==
These mutations are available through higher generation breedings. They have a small chance to appear on a generation 4 or higher pup, and the ability for these mutations to appear is influenced by the [[MU]] stat. Even if both parents have 100% maxed MU, the probability for the mutations to mutate onto a pup is very rare.
Mutations marked with a * are exclusive to breeding only and are not available through other means.<br>
[[Deer Nose]]*
[[Ear Tufts]]*
[[Long Cheek Fluff]]*
[[Seraph Wings]]
[[Skull (Mutation)|Skull]]
[[Upswept Cheek Fluff]]*
<i>Interested in seeing mutated markings? See: [[Markings#Mutated Breeding Markings|Markings]]</i>
*Alien Eyes
==Exclusive Mutations==
These are mutations that are not available through custom creation, [[DNAs]], or mutated breeding, however the mutations are available through special means such as site hosted breeding projects or site raffles.
*Forked Tongue
*Raptor Claws
*Rhino Horn
*Shoulder Eyes
*Tail Spikes
In order to see other examples of what potion mutations look like on various breeds and in various colors, you can use the wajas.com [[Custom Demo]].
*[[Rooster Tail]]  
=How Mutations are Inherited=
==How Mutations are Inherited==
Mutations are inherited according to this chart:
[[File:StrangePear.png|thumb|right|[[Strange Pear]]s are used to increase a Waja's MU. ]]Mutations are inherited according to this chart (does not factor in MU):
SHOW x SHOW: 100% of pups SHOW the mutation
SHOW x SHOW: 100% of pups SHOW the mutation
Line 41: Line 135:
SHOW x CARRY: 50% of pups SHOW, 50% CARRY
SHOW x CARRY: 50% of pups SHOW, 50% CARRY
SHOW x NO: 100% of pups CARRY
SHOW x NO = 25% of pups SHOW, 75% CARRY
CARRY x CARRY: 25% of pups SHOW, 75%  CARRY  
CARRY x NO: 60% of pups CARRY, 40% NO
[[Mutation Gene]], or MU percentage also affects how mutations are inherited. Higher MU results in higher chances of a mutation in the parent showing or carrying in pups.  You should raise the MU of both parents (even if the other parent doesn't show or carry any mutations) for the best chance of getting pups to show the mutation.  Below is a table depicting how MU effects a pair in which one parent has mutations visible and the other has none at all.
Show x None w/0MU = ~25% chance of visible mutation
Show x None w/100MU = ~50% chance of visible mutation
==Mutation Pears==
[[File:MutationPear.png|thumb|right|[[Mutation Pear]]]][[File:MutationPearEarth.png|thumb|right|An Earth waja with all current available mutation pear mutations.]]
The [[Mutation Pear]] item gives a Waja a random mutation from a pool of Mutations when fed. All mutations obtained via mutation pear are the same color as the base color of the Waja the pear was fed to. 
Multiple mutation pears can be used on a single waja, so some players choose to use mutation pears on a Waja until it has all the mutations.  Once a waja has all the mutations that a mutation pear can give, mutation pears will no longer work on that waja.  It should be noted that a mutation pear cannot turn a carried mutation into a visible mutation; it will only add mutations that the waja doesn't currently show or carry.
*[[Bat Wings]]
*[[Bird Wings]]
*[[Butterfly Wings]]
*[[Colored Nose]]
*[[Dragon Horns]]
*[[Horse Mane]]
*[[Leg Feathers]]
*[[Prehistoric Horns]]
*[[Ram Horns]]
*[[Saber Fangs]]
*[[Side Curls]]
[[File:Monster1.png|thumb|right|Example of a monster Waja that is also a [[Paintball]].]]
"Monster" is a term used to describe a waja with a large number of mutations, usually due to liberal use of mutation pears and/or potions.  Monsters can have any kind or amount of [[markings]], but are frequently also [[Paintball|paintballs]] to make them look more chaotic and monster-like.
CARRY x CARRY: 50% CARRY, 25% SHOW, 25% NO
CARRY x NO: 50% CARRY, 50% NO
==Unreleased Mutations==
Mutations that are known about but which are not yet available to add to wajas are:
[[Mutation Gene]], or MU percentage also affects how mutations are inherited. The exact formula isn't well understood, though higher MU results in higher chances of a mutation in the parent showing or carrying.  It is speculated that an MU of 100 in BOTH parents increases the likelihood of a pup being born with SHOW instead of CARRY by roughly 50%.
Here are examples of what both kinds of mutations look like on a markingless white [[Normal]] waja.  To see what a mutation would look like on another breed/color/etc, please use the wajas.com Custom Demo.
==Custom Mutation Examples==
To be added.
==Potion Mutation Examples==
==See Also==
<table style="border: 2px solid black">
* [[:Category:Mutations by Breed | Mutations by Breed ]]
* [[Markings]]
Alien eyes, from a Xenu potion
[[file: alieneyes.jpeg|200px|link=http://wajas.pokeds.com/images/9/90/Alieneyes.jpeg|Click for fullsize view]]
Antennae, from a Arista potion
[[file: antennae.jpeg|200px|link=http://wajas.pokeds.com/images/4/4e/Antennae.jpeg|Click for fullsize view]]
Forked tongue, from a Ptthhh potion
[[file: forkedtongue.jpeg|200px|link=http://wajas.pokeds.com/images/7/7d/Forkedtongue.jpeg|Click for fullsize view]]
Gills, from a Slime potion
[[file: gills.jpeg|200px|link=http://wajas.pokeds.com/images/e/e7/Gills.jpeg|Click for fullsize view]]
Neckbolts, from a Classic potion
[[file: neckbolts.jpeg|200px|link=http://wajas.pokeds.com/images/d/de/Neckbolts.jpeg|Click for fullsize view]]
Raptor claws, from a Prehistoric potion
[[file:raptorclaws.jpeg|200px|link=http://wajas.pokeds.com/images/c/c5/Raptorclaws.jpeg|Click for fullsize view]]
Rhino horns, from a Livingston potion
[[file:rhinohorns.jpeg|200px|link=http://wajas.pokeds.com/images/b/be/Rhinohorns.jpeg|Click for fullsize view]]
Shoulder eyes, from a Nightmare potion
[[file:shouldereyes.jpeg|200px|link=http://wajas.pokeds.com/images/a/ad/Shouldereyes.jpeg|Click for fullsize view]]
Tail spikes, from a Thago potion
[[file:tailspikes.jpeg|200px|link=http://wajas.pokeds.com/images/1/1b/Tailspikes.jpeg|Click for fullsize view]]

Latest revision as of 16:43, 29 September 2024

Bird Wings is one of the most popular mutations.

Mutations are alterations to a waja's body, such as wings, horns, gills, and much more. There are several different mutations on Wajas divided into three different categories - Potion mutations, Custom mutations, and DNA mutations. There is no way to change the colour of a mutation if the mutation has been inherited from parents, and only accidents with selecting colours when creating a custom can be fixed (the custom must be fixed before being bred, otherwise any existing pups must be sent to the OWF before the colours on the parent are fixed).

A standard list of all mutations can be found on the page Category:Mutations.

Custom Mutations

Custom mutations are mutations which are available when you create a custom Waja with a Token. Some of the mutations are available as both a DNA and a custom mutation, please view the Special Cases section below. You can also achieve a few of the custom mutations through a Mutation Pear, which adds a random mutation from a pool of mutations. This is risky, however, as it can add ANY of the available custom mutations.

Custom mutations are as follows:

In order to see examples of what custom mutations look like on various breeds and in various colors, you can use the wajas.com Custom Demo.

Potion Mutations

Example of the Shoulder Eyes mutation on theAfrican.

Potion mutations are mutations which can be applied at any time to any waja you own using the appropriate potion created by the Mad Scientist. This feature has been removed and yet to be readded after Nicola the Genius's takeover. However, as of November 25, 2017, potions may be found while Mining in the Murky Forest. Once added, the mutation is permanent, cannot be removed, and is inherited the same way that Custom Mutations are.

Potion mutations are as follows:

In order to see other examples of what potion mutations look like on various breeds, you can use the wajas.com Custom Demo.

DNA Only Mutations

This section covers Mutations that are ONLY available as a DNA and cannot be used in the Custom Creator tool. Most of the DNAs are either released via the CWP Shop on occasional releases or the Leaf Exchange, and a few are Raccoon King Shop exclusives.

This section covers Mutations that are ONLY available as a DNA and cannot be used in the Custom Creator tool. These DNAs are available either in the DNA Emporium rotation, Leaf Exchange, CWP Shop, or as a Raccoon King Shop exclusive. Any DNA may possibly be released into the CWP Shop at varying prices any time of the year during special sales.

Custom Creation & DNA Mutations

The following mutations are available via both the Custom Creator and has a DNA available:

Mutated Breeding Mutations

These mutations are available through higher generation breedings. They have a small chance to appear on a generation 4 or higher pup, and the ability for these mutations to appear is influenced by the MU stat. Even if both parents have 100% maxed MU, the probability for the mutations to mutate onto a pup is very rare.

Mutations marked with a * are exclusive to breeding only and are not available through other means.

Deer Nose*

Ear Tufts*

Long Cheek Fluff*

Seraph Wings


Upswept Cheek Fluff*

Interested in seeing mutated markings? See: Markings

Exclusive Mutations

These are mutations that are not available through custom creation, DNAs, or mutated breeding, however the mutations are available through special means such as site hosted breeding projects or site raffles.

How Mutations are Inherited

Strange Pears are used to increase a Waja's MU.

Mutations are inherited according to this chart (does not factor in MU):

SHOW x SHOW: 100% of pups SHOW the mutation

SHOW x CARRY: 50% of pups SHOW, 50% CARRY

SHOW x NO = 25% of pups SHOW, 75% CARRY

CARRY x CARRY: 25% of pups SHOW, 75% CARRY

CARRY x NO: 60% of pups CARRY, 40% NO

Mutation Gene, or MU percentage also affects how mutations are inherited. Higher MU results in higher chances of a mutation in the parent showing or carrying in pups. You should raise the MU of both parents (even if the other parent doesn't show or carry any mutations) for the best chance of getting pups to show the mutation. Below is a table depicting how MU effects a pair in which one parent has mutations visible and the other has none at all.

Show x None w/0MU = ~25% chance of visible mutation

Show x None w/100MU = ~50% chance of visible mutation

Mutation Pears

An Earth waja with all current available mutation pear mutations.

The Mutation Pear item gives a Waja a random mutation from a pool of Mutations when fed. All mutations obtained via mutation pear are the same color as the base color of the Waja the pear was fed to.

Multiple mutation pears can be used on a single waja, so some players choose to use mutation pears on a Waja until it has all the mutations. Once a waja has all the mutations that a mutation pear can give, mutation pears will no longer work on that waja. It should be noted that a mutation pear cannot turn a carried mutation into a visible mutation; it will only add mutations that the waja doesn't currently show or carry.


Example of a monster Waja that is also a Paintball.

"Monster" is a term used to describe a waja with a large number of mutations, usually due to liberal use of mutation pears and/or potions. Monsters can have any kind or amount of markings, but are frequently also paintballs to make them look more chaotic and monster-like.

Unreleased Mutations

Mutations that are known about but which are not yet available to add to wajas are:


See Also